CNBC Shamelessly Peddles False Side Hustle Hope

CNBC is no stranger to side hustle “shit posting”. The routinely publish articles about various side hustles that aren’t viable options for the majority of readers.

Here’s another example, hot off the press. Notice the headline:

47-year-old mom’s ‘totally passive’ side hustle makes $2,700 a month: When I don’t work, ‘the money still keeps coming in’

They press multiple buttons with this headline:

  • They open with “47-year-old mom”; parents are among the many seeking side hustles to cover any number of expenses.
  • The passive nature making it sound easy; this is what prompts people to click. Heck, I clicked out of curiosity, but all I found was fool’s gold.

Most People Can’t Do What These Articles Cover

I’ll give the writer who penned the story some credit – she at least mentions that this isn’t likely to work for everyone:

“Matei’s success may not be replicable for everyone: You need a “meaningful social media following” on “YouTube, Instagram, TikTok or Facebook” to be accepted”

In other words, someone who already had well-established following found another way to monetize that following. In other words, this seemingly intriguing “side hustle” was a NON-STORY.

Why This is Maddening

From large media outlets to smaller blogs, bad side hustle advice is everywhere. This particular article angers me because the headline builds up hope that they have something meaningful to offer readers, when in fact it was nothing more than a story of someone who found a way to monetize her established following.

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