No, You Won’t Make $1,000 a Month Taking Surveys

Since the early days of widespread internet access, various people have promoted taking surveys as a viable money making venture.

Many of us have been there – we fill out cumbersome forms, get registered, and wait for those survey opportunities to flood our inboxes.

Then it happens – a survey is available! Then reality hits; the painful survey paid a few bucks, but was not even close to worth the time, effort, and frustration.

I fail to understand how any credible source can promote surveys in 2023. Given all that we know, surveys are generally something to avoid.

In an article titled “65 Best Side Hustle Ideas to Make an Extra $1,000+ Per Month” by “the Saavy Couple”, surveys are listed NUMBER ONE on their list. The even list the income potential at $1-$5+ per hour. How in the [expletive] is someone going to make $1000 per month taking surveys?! A rate of $5 per hour would take 200 hours of time.

There Are ALWAYS Exceptions

If you’re desperate and down to your last few dollars, a few surveys might help you make ends-meet or pay for a few meals and bus fare/gas. It never hurts to have some backup plans such as this in your back pocket if you’re struggling. However, before you take surveys, be sure to call 2-1-1 if you are in the U.S. – this is a helpline number run by the United Way to connect people to help for basic needs. Learn more at


While “The Saavy Couple” appears to have a nice site overall, the advice regarding surveys is misguided. There are better ways to make a buck.

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