Bad Side Hustle Advice is Everywhere

Thousands of articles promise “easy” or “fast” money via side hustles. Bad advice is everywhere. Check out these doozies from a Parade article on Side Hustles:

  • “Be a DJ. With a laptop and a few good speakers, anyone can start a DJ side hustle business.”

They make it sound so easy. 1883 Magazine published an article on things to know before you DJ professionally. The author maintains that “Many people get into DJing and think it will be easy, but it’s much harder than putting some songs on shuffle. You have to think about your equipment, getting a manager, finding the right connections, and listening to your audience.

  • “Host Tupperware parties. Or Mary Kay parties or any of the like. Most companies will pay you a commission for each sale you receive.”

Seriously? They’re suggesting MLM (multi-level marketing) as a viable side hustle? According to AARP, roughly 73% of people who participate in MLM ventures lose money. Other studies suggest that the total is as high as 99%.

  • Work as a personal trainer. Charge your friends $10 a workout to put some extra dough in your wallet.”

There are enough people peddling their services, many of whom are unqualified. Don’t be one of them. Also, you might hurt someone!

  • Sell snacks to coworkers. Keep a fully stocked snack bin in the company’s kitchenette and uses the honor system to charge $1 per package. You’ll earn extra income and bonus points from your coworkers at the same time!

This one has to be a joke, right? Right?

  • Become a life coach. One of the easiest ways to start your own side hustle in 2023 is to sell your time and expertise. As a life coach, you can do just that by using your real-life experiences to help coach clients in need of guidance and support.”

For the love of God, please don’t.

  • Open a food stand. Set up a table or booth at the park and sell your homemade meals for cash.”

When was the last time you spotted a random food booth at your local park, aside from when an event was taking place?

You Get the Point

After reading all of this, you get the point – the internet is littered with shoddy side hustle advice, even from credible sources! Parade is actually a solid publication! Regardless, we want to help you sift through the rubbish. Stay tuned for more.

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